Inspire, Create, Persuade
From gimmick to Google

Google celebrates the life of French illusionist and film director Georges Méliès today with it’s first-ever Virtual Reality / 360⁰ interactive Doodle.
Méliès was one of the revolutionary early filmmakers and he saw film and camera as a way to transport people into a story and to immerse them into another world and as the creators of the Doodle say, “what better way to pay homage to this than by using one of the most innovative and immersive tools we have for storytelling today: Virtual Reality!”
This is just another example of how the use of VR is becoming more prevalent and the possibilities for it’s application, from entertainment, to education, training, manufacturing and design, are endless.
Virtual Worlds uses VR to enable a customer purchasing a new kitchen or bathroom to experience their finished room while still at the planning stage, meaning that they can ensure they are truly happy with the proposed design. This means they can make changes to the plan with no risk and try out different options to make sure they truly love the final result for years to come.
For the retailer, the use of VR brings their designs to life, making it much more likely that the consumer will follow through to purchase, and it also provides an opportunity to upsell higher value products as the customer can immediately see the difference they make to the room.
Virtual Worlds has made a huge impact on retailers across the UK, with reports suggesting an average 50 per cent increase in sales conversions once they have adopted the technology.
Find out more about how to view the Google Doodle here
For more about Virtual Worlds visit