Inspire, Create, Persuade
Virtual Worlds helps spread charitable Christmas cheer

The season of goodwill is in full swing at Virtual Worlds, as it rounds off a charitable year in support of the Rowan Varey Memorial Fund by selling Christmas cards designed by some of the Ugandan children who are helped by the cause. These come in printed and eCard forms, and can be purchased from
The Rowan Varey Memorial Fund, founded by Virtual Worlds Chairman Dave Varey in 2002, raises money to help sick or needy children. Since 2004 it has been supporting a project in Uganda, helping to build and equip a school for deaf children.
Now, by way of a thank you, the children of Kinyinya School for the deaf have expressed their artistic talent by designing Christmas cards, with all proceeds from their sale going to this worthy cause.
Christmas card sales began with an evening of music, held at Wing Hall in Buckinghamshire in November, which saw a turnout of 180 people and over £10,000 raised. Virtual Worlds employees have also raised funds throughout the year with events including quiz nights, raffles and a charity cake bake.
“Our staff have been amazing in showing their support for the Rowan Varey Memorial Fund this year, with the Christmas cards being the icing on the cake, even tending the bar at the musical evening, giving up their Saturday night and doing an amazing job.” commented Dave Varey.
“The school has come a long way over the years but there is still plenty to do, with a new dormitory, clean & safe water, more toilets, a renewable energy supply and equipment all on the list.
“Hopefully the Christmas cards will spread a little cheer among Virtual Worlds customers as they receive them, while helping to raise money to improve conditions for the children.”
For full details of the Rowan Varey Memorial Fund visit