Inspire, Create, Persuade
Virtual Worlds helps retailers to meet the challenges of the Coronavirus outbreak

It is currently a very challenging time and we understand that the Coronavirus outbreak is placing extra pressure on many retailers. We are hearing from our customers that clients are reluctant to visit design review appointments, which obviously makes it difficult for you to close sales.
In order to help you overcome these challenges, we are offering access to the Virtual Worlds Design Cloud, free of charge until the end of April.
How Design Cloud can help you
– Provide your clients with a design they can view on a mobile device so you can progress the sale without the need for face to face meetings.
– Protect your designs by choosing the length of time they can be viewed for.
– Get notifications when the design is viewed so you can make follow-up calls at exactly the right time to keep things moving.
Click here to find out more about Design Cloud
Click here to request access to Design Cloud