Inspire, Create, Persuade
Virtual Worlds CAD expands free catalogues with ‘The Shower Lab’ portfolio
For the first time, the showerlab’s product portfolio is available in CAD format. Theshowerlab’s standard and bespoke catalogues are recent additions to Virtual Worlds Professional CAD software and are made available to all current users, free of charge, in 3D interactive and 2D plan format.
Virtual Worlds has developed new functions, which enable the rapid and accurate creation of bespoke designs. Controlled Parametric Scaling allows glass panels and doors to be resized, automatically and proportionally re-sizing components, such as profile channels and connecting glass enclosure panels. Resize and Track facilitates rapid editing of an existing design and automatic sizing of selected products, whilst Hole Cutting replaces previously time-consuming elements such as inserting finger hole handles, with a single mouse click.
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