Inspire, Create, Persuade
Designs created in Virtual Worlds now available on app and Android viewer

Anyone designing in Virtual Worlds’ interactive CAD software can now send and demonstrate their designs to customers using the Virtual Worlds Viewer App. It is excellent for customers who wish to view their proposed kitchen or bathroom design on a tablet or mobile telephone. The Viewer App allows customers to walk through their rooms from any angle, opening drawers and cupboards and generally interacting with the proposed design in 3D, photo realistic format.
The Virtual Worlds Viewer App is available free of charge as a download to all Virtual Worlds Professional users. Simple navigation and interactive functions makes the Viewer App a persuasive and fun merchandising tool for KBB retailers.
All designs are securely and confidentially held on the Virtual Worlds cloud and can be accessed live or offline via cached versions.
For further information please email or call 01908 663848